History of T Vintage
Tattiyakul is the last name of a business owner in the T Asset Group, to reflect the family legacy, almost every business is named ‘T’ after the initial of the surname of the founder. Coupled with the owner’s love for vintage style antiques, each piece with a long history from every corner of the world. The name “T Vintage” was born.
It is the owner’s vision to create T Vintage, a place that is more than just a hotel. It is also a museum that housespriceless and beloved collectibles for our visitor’s viewing pleasure. Here at T Vintage, visitors will find an endless variety of collectibles from childhood toys to household antiques dating back over a hundred years. A variety of priceless animal horns and wood collectibles can also be found here.
Being natives of the Bangkhla county, the owners have designed T-Vintage to reflect the idyllic provincial charm of Bangkhla and the city of Paedrew. Each hall is named after different districts and other prominent places in Bangkhla. Our karaoke rooms are named after the different strains of mangoes, the signature fruit of Bangkhla.
Another unique feature of T Vintage that will leave a lasting impression for our visitors is the local style cuisine of Bangkhla. Such as Bangpakong riverbass and prawns, sugarpalm cake and juice from Paknam sugarpalm village , jasmine rice and Paedrew home-grown mangoes with their gold complexion and sweet succulent taste, along with many other seasonal fruits. Our special menus are always made to order, so reserve yours in advance with your booking service!
T Vintage warmly welcomes you and hope that you will experience the relaxing, warm and pleasant atmosphere that will take you far away from the constant buzz of the big cities.